My coding diary

My journey as a programmer

Rails Project - Party Planner

This project was really hard for me. Rails is a very powerful framework, but in order to use this magical tool it still requires a lot of skill to utilize it. I think I just memorized the syntax and code itself rather than actually understanding the logic. As I struggled of using Rails I began to understand the framework and through this I was able to build an application that allows users to register with an email address and create parties as a host or attend parties as a guest.

Sinatra Project Movie-Review

I really enjoyed completing this project and felt I learned more than our initial project with CLI. I also felt more comfortable because I had a better grasp and understanding of what was necessary to finish it. It’s a simple application and I was able to accomplish it with the requirements listed below:

 - MVC(Model View Controller)
 - RESTful routes
 - ActiveRecord(Models, Associations)
 - A sqlite database
 - Login/Logout

This project is building a simple Content Management System (CMS) utilizing the tools we’ve learned so far. The application is capable of alllowing users to register/sign up with a username and password. Once they have registered an account they are able to create, edit, or delete their own movie review posts. They can modify their own entries, but are limited to viewing other user’s posts.

Ruby CLI Data Gem Project: LasVegasEvent

I finally compeleted my very first project! Initially, I was scared to build a working program from scratch by myself. I felt as if I was dropped onto an island left with just a knife and an empty backpack. I had zero idea of how to start or where to start with expectations of me building a shelter, and to hunt for my own survival. I was lost, but luckily I had the support of some good friends willing to take their time to assist me through the process. Slowly, I began to understand more about the CLI (Command Line Interface) and how to start working on a functioning application.